Family trip to the rock town of Toulovcovy Maštale

Mountain range, region / State

Bohemian-Moravian Highlands / Czech Republic



04. 05. 2024


1 / 5


↑ 214 m

↓ 213 m


8.6 km

4 hours


max. 536 m n.m.

min. 415 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 214 m
Dismal metres: 213 m

Useful information

  1. Overcrowding - medium
  2. Suitable for children - YES
  3. Suitable for pushchairs - NO

Trip from Budislav to Toulovec's Maštalí

Starting point

Parking next to the municipal office in Budislav. Parking is free of charge.

Description of the hike

From the parking lot in the village of Budislav we went along the nature trail to the New Pond. We wanted to avoid walking along the state road. There is a nice trail around the pond, which led us to a yellow hiking trail. We followed it through the woods and crossed the road. Beyond it, the forest and the landscape change dramatically. The first sandstone rocks and rock formations began to peek out. The road was wide and comfortable at first. But soon it narrowed and we walked between the rocks, enjoying the beautiful landscape. We explored the Castle rock formation and continued into the valley of the Voletín stream. From there we continued on the red trail in a steeper climb towards the stables. We reached the Toulovec stables at their upper part. Therefore, we descended into the narrow passages between the rocks and climbed the whole maze.

After a rest we continued along the red trail. This leads along the rocks, later the path widened and we reached the Vranice homestead. Here we turned to the yellow marker and along the Voletínský brook we started to return to Budislav. We crossed the red marker and followed the wide path back to Budislav. There is also a nice pub opposite the car park, so we had a well-deserved lunch.


An attractive trip ideal for families with children. The route leads between sandstone formations. Sometimes there are narrow passages on the route (especially in Toulovec's stables). The whole time you walk on marked paths, often on roots and stones. The trail is suitable for dogs, a stroller will definitely not pass it.

Water availability

The pubs are in the village of Budislav. The Džberka well is on the way from the stables to the Vranice hájenka. Otherwise, it is necessary to have your own liquids.

Mountain peaks

The trail goes all the way through the forest, there are no peaks or views along the way.


The trail leads in rocky terrain, so it is necessary to be constantly alert. The path is covered with rocks or roots which can be very slippery when wet. The edge of the rocks near Toulovec's stables is not secured in any way, so it is necessary to be careful, especially for children. And watch your head in the narrow passages in the rocks...


The pubs are in the village of Budislav, one directly opposite the parking lot of the municipal office. Otherwise it is good to have your own snacks.

Posted by: 30. 05. 2024
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