A trip from Medvědín to the source of the Elbe River in the Krkonose Mountains

Mountain range, region / State

Giant Mountains / Czech Republic



17. 07. 2021


1 / 5


↑ 313 m

↓ 802 m


15.2 km

6 hours


max. 1399 m n.m.

min. 742 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 313 m
Dismal metres: 802 m

Useful information

Trip from Medvědín over the Elbe spring to Špindlerův Mlýn

Starting point

Upper station of the Medvědín cable car. We left the car at the lower station in Špindlerův Mlýn.

Description of the hike

Considering our line-up - a majority of children, we decided to use the cable car to Medvědín and thus made our trip much easier. At the cable car, we connected to the red marker and set off between the slash and burn in the direction of Vrbatova bouda. The views and the easy nature of the route made the journey more pleasant. The climb is only very gentle. At first we walked on the mountain path, then we joined the asphalt road, which led us to Vrbatova bouda. From the hut we went to Vrbatovo hill and then continued along the red trail to Labská bouda. The trail goes along the edge of the Labský důl and offers views not only into it. We continued past the Pančavský waterfall and finally reached Labská bouda. From there it is about one more kilometer to the source of the Elbe.

We went back to Labská bouda and had a good rest, including a hearty meal. Then we went back to Špindlerův Mlýn. The blue trail right at Labská bouda starts to descend quite steeply in serpentines to Labský důl. In the lower part of the mine the descent gradually eases. The path continues along the Elbe. We joined a wide road and comfortably walked back to Špindlerův mlýn, where we left the car.


We saved a lot of vertical metres by using the cable car. Therefore, it is a very relaxing trek with little elevation gain upwards. From Labská bouda the descent is steeper and the total elevation gain at the bottom is more than 700 meters. The whole time you walk on marked paths or trails. Technically very easy. The route is ideal for children. Due to the use of the cable car, dogs probably cannot complete the route.

Water availability

On the way you can refresh yourself at Vrbatova bouda and Labská bouda. There is also a spring just before Labská bouda. However, it is still necessary to have your own supplies, ideally 1.5 litres per person.

Sleeping options

You can spend the night at Labská bouda. Alternatively, there are plenty of accommodation options in Spindleruv Mlyn.

Mountain peaks

The only peak over which the route leads is Medvědín 1235 m above sea level, where the top station of the cable car is located. Further on the route goes along the ridges. However, most of the route offers views of the Giant Mountains and the surrounding countryside.


The route is very safe and easy. Mostly on wide roads. There is a rocky path only at the descent to the Labský důl. That is why the weather is probably the biggest danger in the mountains, when there is a risk of thunderstorms in summer.


It is cooked at Labská bouda. At Vrbatova bouda they only have bars and drinks. It's definitely a good idea to have your own snacks or energy bars. The route is a bit longer after all.


Above Vrbatova bouda is the cairn of Hanč and Vrbata. It commemorates the tragic event of 1913, when Bohumil Hanč and Václav Vrbata died during a cross-country skiing race in the Krkonoše Mountains. During the race, the weather changed quickly and a snowstorm and strong wind caused both racers to succumb to exhaustion. Václav Vrbata tried to help his friend, but unfortunately he also succumbed to the difficult conditions. Currently (2021) a film based on this story is being made and will be released in cinemas.

Posted by: 11. 03. 2022
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