A trip to the viewpoint at the Prague hill in Brdy

Mountain range, region / State

Brdy / Czech Republic



20. 07. 2024


1 / 5


↑ 185 m

↓ 185 m


6.8 km

2 hours


max. 862 m n.m.

min. 689 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 185 m
Dismal metres: 185 m

A trip in Brdy to the Prague hill

Starting point

Parking lot on the outskirts of the village of Nepomuk. Parking is free of charge. The village of Nepomuk is a short distance from the town of Rožmitál pod Třemšínem.

Description of the hike

We hadn't started our trip to the Prague hill yet and we were already sitting for a beer in a nice refreshment place not far from the parking lot. After this ideal start we continued along the green hiking trail. It soon turned off and we entered the forest. Signs warned of the dangers of unexploded ordnance. However, there is no danger along the trails. So we continued on the green trail in a gentle climb until we reached the bottom of the Praha hill. A yellow sign then leads to the very top. A short distance from the top is the dominant meteor tower. We first followed the trail to the highest point of the Praha hill.

Then we moved to the viewpoint at the former German radio beacon. We went back to the tower and continued along the yellow trail to the Čakova vyhlídka. It was a bit hazy, but we could still see the Sumava mountains. From the viewpoint we continued on the yellow trail, which led along a straight wide newly groomed forest path. We came to the remains of the former St. John's hut. Here we turned off and started descending back to the village of Nepomuk. Immediately we joined the blue marker and returned to the parking lot without any problems.


A simple hike that is mostly along wide forest paths. The elevation on the route is minimal. The route is also short, so it is ideal for families with children.

Water availability

A pleasant refreshment is next to the parking lot on the outskirts of the village of Nepomuk. There is no other source of water, so it is necessary to have your own liquids.

Mountain peaks

Our destination was the hill Praha 862 m above sea level. Our south-western border mountains - Šumava and Bohemian Forest are easily visible.


The route is absolutely safe, the whole time on wide roads. There are short sections on forest trails. Even the views are safe, there are no exposed sections or rock climbing.


Refreshments are right by the parking lot on the outskirts of the village of Nepomuk. There is nothing further, so it is good to have some snacks of your own.


The Brdy Mountains are the highest purely inland mountain range in the Czech Republic. Since 1926 they have been used by the army as a training area and the public was forbidden to enter. This began to change at the beginning of this millennium, when in 2007 the first peripheral parts of the area were opened to the public. In 2016, the military confinement ceased to exist and Brdy was opened to the public and became a protected area. Nevertheless, there are places where access is permanently prohibited. These are munitions impact areas and places that could not be cleared of unexploded ordnance due to the difficult terrain.

Posted by: 11. 08. 2024
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