Mountain crossing from Roshka to Juta via the Chauchi saddle in the Caucasus

Mountain range, region / State

Kavkaz / Georgia



22. 07. - 23. 07. 2024


3 / 5


↑ 2140 m

↓ 1460 m


24.9 km

2 days


max. 3338 m n.m.

min. 1474 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 2140 m
Dismal metres: 1460 m

Useful information

  1. Journey from Tbilisi to the trek - 270 GEL
  2. Journey from Juta to Stepantsminda - 100 GEL

Two-day trek from Roshka to Juta in Georgia

Starting point

The trek itself started at the turn-off to Roshka village from the road leading from Tbilisi to the mountains. We had originally hoped that the driver would take us to Roshka, but this village is reached by a totally ruined dirt road full of holes and mud. Only an off-road vehicle can drive through it. We wanted to take a marshrutka from Tbilisi, but unfortunately it was not certain that it would run at all that day. That's why we ordered a Bolt service. This works well in Tbilisi. The journey from Tbilisi cost 270 Lari.

Description of the hike

1. day

From Tbilisi, we were transported by a Bolt driver for 270 GEL. We originally wanted to take the marshrutka, but it was not at all certain that it would go in our direction that day. The journey from Tbilisi took about 3 hours. The driver tried to drive as far as possible, but the crazy condition of the road (dirt road) to Roshka did not allow it. Before we put our backpacks on our backs, a crazy off-road driver arrived. He already had an almost full car, but he still offered a ride to one member of our expedition and took all our backpacks at the same time. The road to Roshka is about 7 km long and is a totally broken dirt road. The elevation gain is about 600 meters, but without backpacks it was not such a problem.

We had a good rest in the village of Roshka because a nice afternoon thunderstorm started. The food was filling so we took a nap for a while. Finally we put on our packs and headed for the mountains. The trail from the village of Roshka is well trodden. The problem was that after the rain there was mud everywhere and in some places swamps. Eventually the rain returned, so the start of the trek was not ideal. Fortunately, the weather forecast was correct and the weather quickly improved in the evening. By then we were climbing towards the rock peaks at the top of the valley. A big surprise awaited us a short distance from the three lakes where we were going to bivouac. A mountain hut is being built here. It is not furnished in any way, but it is open and you are allowed to sleep on the ground. We took advantage of this opportunity and enjoyed a beautiful evening in the mountains from the porch of the hut. There were several groups of hikers sleeping in the hut.

2. day

In the morning, the first rays of the sun beautifully bathed the mountain peaks above the hut. After breakfast we set off quietly towards the three lakes. They are each coloured in a different colour - green, blue and white. They are about 10 minutes from the hut. From the lakes begins the most challenging part of the trek - the climb to the Chauchi saddle. The trail is cut into the hillside in an endless number of serpentines. The climb with a heavy backpack gave us quite a hard time.Fortunately, the clouds came and we were not yet tormented by the sun. The end of the climb is already in rocky terrain. We were royally rewarded for this effort. On the other side of the saddle, the clouds disappeared and we had fantastic views of the surrounding mountains. These were dominated by the 5,000-foot Mount Kazbeg. We had a good rest in the saddle. At the same time, we started to meet the first tourists coming from the other direction, from the village of Juta.

After a rest we started to descend. The trail descends steeply to the lower parts of the valley. Later we continued more gradually towards the village of Juta. On the way we stopped at a small refreshment shop at the top of the valley. They also had beer. It was warm, but it didn't matter. We continued our descent into the valley. By then there were more and more tourists. On the way we still had to cross a rather fast flowing river. The water was up to our knees, so it was possible only with our shoes off. Finally we reached the village of Juta. Originally we wanted to spend the night here, but immediately the local drivers jumped on us and for 100 GEL drove us after a crazy journey to the town of Stepantsminda, where our stay in Georgia continued.


According to many, this is one of the most beautiful treks in Georgia. It is necessary to climb to an altitude of more than 3,300 m with a heavy backpack. So definitely good fitness is required. The trails themselves are clearly visible so there is no risk of wandering. The trail in the valleys is easy, but the climb up to the Chauchi saddle is long. It goes in endless switchbacks, but it's still very strenuous. The altitude itself is also a problem, breathing is definitely harder here and can cause headaches.

Water availability

There are many streams along the way, from which you can get water. At the hut at the end of the valley leading from the village of Roshka, water is already piped out. So there is no major problem with water. Just 1.5 litres per person is enough.

Sleeping options

We had originally planned to sleep in tents near the lakes at the end of the valley leading from the village of Roshka. We were very surprised to find a mountain hut a short distance from the lakes, which was accessible and free to sleep on the ground. Several groups of us slept there.

Mountain peaks

The route does not lead over any peak. However, the Chauchi saddle at 3,338 m above sea level offers fantastic views of the surrounding mountains. All are dominated by the beautiful Kazbeg Mountain.


The trek itself is not particularly dangerous. It is high mountain hiking with everything. The trails are well trodden, there are no climbing passages. The problem is storms in summer. The altitude will definitely be a problem, as it is harder to breathe. Occasionally you have to cross a stream, but it is not problematic.


We literally overate in the village of Roshka in the local Guest Haus. Georgian specialties are just very filling. We had our cookers with us, so in the evening we did some light cooking from our supplies. The next food option is up the valley in the village of Juta.

Posted by: 29. 07. 2024
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