Trek to Bila Pec from Sella Nevea in Italy

Mountain range, region / State

/ Italy



23. 08. 2024


2 / 5


↑ 363 m

↓ 1073 m


5.4 km

5 hours


max. 2143 m n.m.

min. 1142 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 363 m
Dismal metres: 1073 m

Useful information

  1. Ticket price 2024 - one direction - 10 Euro
  2. Ticket price 2024 - return - 13 Euro

Useful information

  1. Ticket price 2024 - one direction - 10 Euro
  2. Ticket price 2024 - return - 13 Euro

Ascent to the Bila Pec mountain with the help of a cable car

Starting point

The top station of the cable car from the Sella Nevea mountain pass. The road to the saddle leads from Tarvisio. The price of the cable car for a one-way trip is 10 Euro for an adult, 5 Euro for children.


Description of the hike

We were climbing the Bila Pec mountain with children, so it was clear that we would make the trip easier by cable car from the Sella Nevea saddle. Since we were almost the first tourists that day, we were able to enjoy the ride without queues and crowds.

From the top station of the cable car we followed the marked trail to the Sella Bila Pec saddle. The climb is not difficult, it is steeper in places, but there is no problem. In the saddle there are the remains of a building and an excavated tunnel. After resting and enjoying the beautiful views, we set off to climb Mount Bila Pec. Although there is no hiking trail to the top, there is a clear trail. It is clear from the start that this will be a different type of trail than the one to the saddle. The trail climbs steeply into the rocky terrain. Soon we also came to a stretched rope that made it easier to cross the rock passage. We continued to climb steeply, alternating between rock and trail. We quickly gained height and finally stood on the top of Bila Pec mountain. The weather was great, the visibility was great and we took a longer break at the top. To the east, Mangart Mountain dominated, to the west the peaks of the Dolomites peeked out.

After a rest we headed back. We carefully descended to the Sella Bila Pec saddle. We continued down the same route as in the morning to the top station of the cable car. There were already crowds of people at the Rifugio Celso Gilberti mountain hut, but we had lemonades and beer anyway. We then continued our descent to the Sella Nevea saddle. The trail goes around a perpendicular rock face that is a popular spot for climbers. We also passed several groups of climbers along the way. The trail descends nicely into the saddle even after entering the forest part. There are still beautiful views of the opposite rock ridges and peaks. Eventually we returned back to the Sella Nevea saddle. There the Italians annoyed us a bit as they were having a siesta and there was no cooking anywhere. So we at least had a few beers...



Thanks to the cable car, the ascent is very easy. It is a relaxing mountain climb up to the Sella Bila Pec saddle. However, from the saddle to the top of Bila Pec, the difficulty of the climb is significantly higher. There is a lot of rocky terrain, several sections are pure rock and you have to hold on with your hands. Even small children, who are used to moving in the mountains, could manage the route.

Water availability

At the top station of the cable car is the Rifugio Celso Gilberti hut, where you can refresh yourself. However, be sure to have your own water supply. In summer, the mountains are very hot.

Sleeping options

We had accommodation right in the Sella Nevea saddle. There is also the possibility of staying overnight at the campsite.

Mountain peaks

The peak of Bila Pec 2 143 m above sea level offers great views not only of the Italian part of the Julian Alps, but also of the Slovenian Julian Alps with the dominant mountain Mangart, to the west you can see the rocky peaks of the Dolomites.


The Sella Bila Pec saddle is reached by a classic mountain trail. The ascent from the saddle to the top of Bila Pec is much more difficult. The ascent is very steep, often on small rocks. Sometimes you need to use your hands. But slightly experienced hikers should have no major problem here. The descent back to the Sella Nevea saddle is without problems on a pleasant mountain path.


Refreshments are available at the Rifugio Celso Gilberti mountain hut. It is definitely a good idea to bring your own snacks, bars, etc.

Posted by: 14. 09. 2024
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