Mountains Suhard

The Suhard Mountains (Munții Suhardului in Romanian) are located in the northern part of the Eastern Carpathians and consist of a ridge about 40 kilometres long. Most of the mountain is forested, with meadows and pastures only in the highest parts. There are no tourist huts in the mountains, only shepherds' huts.

A frequent problem for tourists is the encounter with herding dogs. The Rotunda mountain range is separated from the neighbouring Rodna mountain range, which lies to the west of the Suhard mountain range. It is through this saddle that a road leads to connect the crossing of the two mountain ranges.

The highest mountain

Omu 1932 m

List of major mountain peaks

M. Tarnita 1 542 m, M. Sveitaria 1 582 m and Pietrale Rosii 1 773 m

Suhard is divided
Protected areas
More information

It's part of the system: Inner Eastern Carpathians
It is in the countries: Romania
Predominant rocks: crystalline rocks

Interesting links