Mountains Seckauer Tauern

The Seckauer Tauern (German: Seckauer Tauern) form a beautiful winding ridge, from which the escarpments rise to the south. They are characterised by grassy terrain, occasionally interspersed with rocky peaks. The highest mountain, Geierhaupt 2 417 m above sea level, is situated roughly in the middle of the main ridge. In contrast to the other mountain ranges of the Low Tatras, there are a minimum of lakes in the Seckauer Tauern.

Seckauer Tauern
The highest mountain

Geierhaupt 2 417 above see level

List of major mountain peaks

Hochreichart 2 416 above see level, Seckauer Zinken 2 398 above see level, Pletzen 2 342 above see level, Kesseleck 2 308 above see level, Grosse Ringkogel 2 277 above see level.

Seckauer Tauern is divided
Protected areas
More information

It's part of the system: Low Tauern
It is in country: Austria

Interesting links