Mountains Low Jeseník

The Low Jeseník belongs to the Jeseniky region and is located in its southeastern part, adjacent to the eastern part of Hrubý Jeseník. Part of the Low Jeseník are the nature parks Moravice, Oderské vrchy, Sovinecko and Údolí Bystřice. The average altitude of Low Jeseník is around 500 m above sea level.

The highest mountain

Slunečná 800 m

List of major mountain peaks

Velký Roudný 780 m above sea level, Rychtář 752 m above sea level, Pomezí 709 m above sea level, Jasan 647 m above sea level, Stráň 672 m above sea level.

Low Jeseník is divided

Brantická vrchovina; Bruntálská vrchovina; Domašovská vrchovina; Oderské vrchy; Slunečná vrchovina; Stěbořická vrchovina; Vítkovská vrchovina; Tršická pahorkatina

Protected areas

Protected Landscape Area Jeseníky

More information

It's part of the system: Jesenica region
It is in the Czech Republic
Predominant rocks: crumble; shale