Mountains Králický Sněžník

The Králický Sněžník Mountains are located south of the Rychlebské hory Mountains and north of the Hanušovice Highlands, west of the Jeseníky Mountains. The mountains get their name from the mountain of the same name, Králický Sněžník (1 424 m above sea level).

Most of the mountain range is located in Poland (Masiw Snieznika). Králický Sněžník is an important hydrographic node, as its territory belongs to the Black Sea (Morava River), the North Sea (Lipkovský potok) and the Baltic Sea (Kladská Nisa).

Králický Sněžník is a mountain range formed by tectonic uplifts in the younger Tertiary. In the Quaternary the mountain was shaped by glaciers, which subsequently created the characteristic shape of the Morava River. Originally, the area of Králický Sněžník was covered mainly with beech, white fir and spruce. In the recent past, however, large areas have been converted into spruce monocultures.

The most common animals are red deer and roe deer. The mountain chamois, which was originally artificially planted in the neighbouring Jeseníky Mountains, is also rarely seen here.

The highest mountain

Králický Sněžník 1 424 m

List of major mountain peaks

Malý Sněžník 1 326 m, Sušina 1 321 m, Podbělka 1 308 m, Stříbrnická 1 250 m, Slamník 1 233 m

Králický Sněžník is divided
Protected areas

Králický Sněžník National Nature Reserve

More information

It's part of the system: Jesenica region
It is in the Czech Republic, Poland
Predominant rocks: rula; stamp; limestone

Interesting links