A short hike with children to the Žižkov Memorial at Trocnov

Mountain range, region / State

Šumava / Czech Republic



10. 07. 2024


1 / 5


↑ 61 m

↓ 60 m


4.4 km

2 hours


max. 491 m n.m.

min. 472 m n.m.

Tourist map of the Jan Žižka Memorial

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 61 m
Dismal metres: 60 m

Useful information

  1. Suitable for children - YES
  2. Suitable for dogs - YES
  3. Suitable for pushchairs - YES
  4. Overcrowding - medium

Easy hiking to the birthplace of Jan Žižka of Trocnov

Starting point

We leave our car at the municipal office in Ostrolovský Újezd, south of the Žižkov Memorial, in the unpaid parking lot.

Description of the hike

From Ostrolovský Újezd we start from the municipal office and follow the blue tourist trail northwards. The path leads first along the road, then along a narrow asphalt road. At the crossroads by the cross, we are still following the blue trail. On the way back, we will return here by a dirt road, which joins the blue trail here at the crossroads, also from the north.

After a while we come to the Radvanec pond and soon we are at the monument. The area itself is quite small. Currently, in the summer of 2024, the memorial is being renovated, or rather, a whole new section of buildings is being built where the memorial will be expanded. We have therefore at least visited the main places, such as the birthplace of Jan Žižka - a small stone memorial and the monumental Žižka Monument.

We go back by a slightly different route, so that we don't pass Radvanský Pond again. From the monument, keep following the blue trail towards Trocnov and turn south onto the first forest path. We walk through the forest for a while and join a dirt road, which will lead us again to the cross on the blue marker. Then it's just a short walk to the car on the blue trail.


It is a completely hassle-free and very easy hiking, which even small children can handle (tested on six-year-old children). The hike is actually still flat, on wide dirt or forest paths. Both pensioners and young families can manage the trip, even with a stroller.

Water availability

Since it is a very short trip (about 5 km), there is no need to refill water anywhere, just bring 0.5 liters of water per person. If anyone feels the need to refill liquids or have something light to eat, they can use the refreshment point just a short distance from the Žižkov Memorial.


You can refresh yourself at the kiosk at the beginning of the area, where they also have a little something to eat.


Trocnov was not large in size. It consisted of two free manors - one was farmed by Jan's parents in the mid-14th century, the other belonged to Žižek's uncles Mikeš and Pešek. Around 1378, young Jan, already of age, inherited the family property and sold it to Wilý Puck of Trutmany in 1380.

Much has been written about Jan Žižek. Therefore, just briefly his main milestones:

1. He probably lost his eye as a teenager.

2. After selling his father's manor, he probably made a living as a mercenary.

3. at the end of the 14th century he worked as a doorkeeper (today's bouncer) at the court of King Wenceslas IV.

4. In 1409-1411 he probably participated in the Polish-Lithuanian War as a mercenary.

5. He was a great warrior and led the Hussites in many victorious battles.

6. The chariot wall was not his invention, nor was it an invention of the Hussites - its use is documented as early as the Battle of Krescak in 1346, where John of Luxembourg fell.

7. He was a strong believer - the Hussite program and its 4 Prague Articles were sacred to him.

Posted by: 13. 07. 2024
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