Easy ferrata to Mount Averau in the Italian Dolomites

Mountain range, region / State

Dolomites in Alps / Italy



27. 09. 2008




↑ 582 m

↓ 582 m


8.4 km

5 hours


max. 2649 m n.m.

min. 2096 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 582 m
Dismal metres: 582 m

Autumn easy ferrata near Cortina d'Ampezzo

Starting point

Parking in the Passo Falzarego road saddle. The road to the saddle leads from Cortina d'Ampezzo.

Description of the hike

From a distance, Monte Averau looks like an inaccessible table mountain. (photo) In one part, however, there is a short, easy ferrata that takes you over the steepest rock passage. We started our journey up this mountain at the road saddle of Passo Falzarego. From the car park we followed the marked path towards the mountain. The trail leads first past the cable cars, then through meadows and pastures in beautiful countryside. (photo) Eventually we reached the base of Monte Averau itself at 2,648 m above sea level. We followed the trail around it and thus reached the place where the ferrata starts. It goes straight up the rock. It is not difficult, there are many holds, as the rock is rugged. (photo) The ferrata is not long and after a few dozen meters we were at the end of it. We continued along the debris field and then began a steep climb up the rocks to the top. The end of the climb was again on rubble, in which there was a beaten path. (photo) The views from the top are truly breathtaking, you can see most of the major peaks of the Dolomites. (photo)

After resting at the top, we started to descend. The path leads the same way as the ascent. Again the descent from the summit to the ferrata was unpleasant. After that we descended back to the marked trail. We made our way back to the parking lot. We took the lower trail to the Falzarego saddle, which leads past the magical Lago de Val Limides. From there we followed the trail back to the car in the saddle car park.


A pleasant short ferrata to the top of Monte Averau. From the top of this mountain there is a magnificent view of the surrounding mountain giants. The approach to the ferrata is by trails. The ferrata itself is short but very nice. There are no extremely difficult passages. The climb from the end of the ferrata to the top is unpleasant, which is led on rocks and rubble. It is necessary to be sure of a firm step.

Water availability

Water can be drawn from the stream at Lago de Val Limides, or from the Passo Falzarego road saddle.

Sleeping options

This is a relatively short climb, sleeping is not necessary. If necessary, it is possible to sleep in the huts near the route - Rifugio Averau and Rifugio Nuvolau.

Mountain peaks

From Monte Averau, 2,649 m above sea level, there are fantastic views in all directions. The Tofan group is in the palm of your hand, as well as Monte Cristallo 3,221 m above sea level, Monte Civeta 3,220 m above sea level, Monte Pelmo 3,168 m above sea level, Marmolada 3,343 m above sea level, Piz Boe 3,152 m above sea level and many others.


The way to the mountain is absolutely smoothly guided along the beaten paths. The ascent to the mountain itself is partly via a short ferrata. It is neither difficult nor long. The belay is in good condition. It is necessary to have ferrata equipment. The final ascent to the top is slightly difficult, as it is on a steep rocky slope and there is a risk of slipping in wet conditions.


For the ascent of Mount Averau, it is necessary to have equipment for safe routes - a ferrata set with a brake and a helmet. Good quality clothing including sturdy ankle boots is of course essential as part of the route is in unpleasant rubble.


Refreshments are available at the huts along the Rifugio Averau and Rifugio Nuvolau trails. We made do with our own supplies.


Monte Averau is a magnificent scenic mountain. Its silhouette, reminiscent of a table mountain, rises above the Passo Falzarego saddle. With its height, it may not be on a par with the three-thousand-foot giants in its surroundings, but the views of these mountains are fantas

Posted by: 27. 03. 2017
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