Mountains Eagle Mountains

The Orlické Mountains (or Eagle Mountains) belong to the Sudeten System and are not located in northeastern Bohemia. The highest mountain is Velká Deštná (1,115 m above sea level), on the top of which the Štefan's Lookout has been situated since the end of the 19th century. The Orlické Mountains get their name from the Orlice River, which flows along the border between the Czech Republic and Poland and separates the Orlické Mountains from the Bystřice Mountains (Góry Bystrzyckie) on the Polish side.

Over the highest peak of the Orlické Mountains (or Eagle Mountains) runs the main ridge hike. There is a kiosk near Velká Deštná, where you can buy refreshments in the season (the kiosk also serves as a mountain service station, where you can sleep in an emergency). The Orlické Mountains belong to the Elbe-Moderna basin. They are drained by the Divoká and Tichá Orlice rivers together with the Olešenka River.

The highest mountain

Velká Deštná 1 115 m above sea level

List of major mountain peaks

Koruna 1 101 m above sea level, Malá Deštná 1 090 m above sea level, Vrchmezí 1 084 m above sea level, Jelenka 1 083 m above sea level, Sedloňovský vrch 1 050 m above sea level.

Eagle Mountains is divided

Bukovohorská hornatina; Deštěnská hornatina; Mladkovská hornatina

Protected areas

Protected landscape area Orlické Mountains

More information

It's part of the system: Orlická oblast
It is in the Czech Republic, Poland
Predominant rocks: shale; sandstone