
To help you understand how we rate treks, we have written down the difficulty characteristics of treks and ferrata. Please consider this also as a guide for rating your own treks on this website. Do not take the characteristics literally. Overlaps between points are necessary.

For example, on a hike up a mountain Schafberg  we are at an altitude of 1 782 m above sea level (which corresponds to difficulty 3), but it is rated as difficulty 1 because only 460 m have been climbed.


5 levels of hikes difficulty

1. Easy hike

Condition Families with small children (in a carrier), active pensioners.
Movement at altitude 500 - 1 000 m n. m.
Meters climbed 0 - 500 m
Characteristics Forest roads, footpaths, paved roads.
Equipment Low sturdy shoes are sufficient, they do not need to be ankle boots. No other equipment requirements.

2. Easy hike with elevation gain

Condition Families with school-age children, sports pensioners.
Movement at altitude 1 000 -  1 500 m n. m.
Meters climbed 500 -  1 000 m
Characteristics Rocky mountain roads, steeper profiles, short sections secured with chains.
Equipment In most cases, we recommend ankle boots. For less confident hikers, trekking poles are suitable.

3. Intermediate hike

Condition Hobby athletes, pensioners in top condition, teenagers in good shape.
Movement at altitude 1 500 - 3 000 m n. m.
Meters climbed 1 000 - 1 500 m n. m.
Characteristics Possibility of exposed sections with chains (for the experienced alpine hiker without the need for a belay). Movement on snow, the need to walk confidently in rocky terrain.
Equipment Ankle boots a must. Ferrata seat and helmet required for routes with ferrata. For this difficulty it is advisable to have layered clothing with a waterproof outer layer.

4. Hard hike

Condition Very good condition required, not suitable for pensioners or children under 18.
Movement at altitude 3 000 - 4 500 m n. m.
Meters climbed 1 500 - 2 000 m
Characteristics Multiple day treks, frequent exposed sections, glacier movement, all types of mountain terrain including glacier movement. 
Equipment Ankle boots a must. Ferrata seat and helmet required for routes with ferrata. It is advisable to have layered clothing with a waterproof outer layer. Trekking poles will help considerably on most routes. Appropriate equipment is necessary when moving on a glacier - crampons, rope, helmet, ice axe..

5. Extremely difficult hike

Condition Active sports people in perfect health and psychological condition.
Movement at altitude 4 500 m n. m. and more
Meters climbed over 2 000 m
Characteristics Multiple day expedition treks, need for special equipment, frequent movement in exposed areas, all types of mountain terrain including glacier movement.

Ankle boots a must. Ferrata seat and helmet required for routes with ferrata. It is advisable to have layered clothing with a waterproof outer layer. Trekking poles will help considerably on most routes. Appropriate equipment is necessary when moving on a glacier - crampons, rope, helmet, ice axe..


5 levels of ferrata difficulty according to Kurt Schall

A - easy ferrata

Condition Experienced alpine hiker without vertigo with the confidence to walk on rocky terrain.
Characteristics Secured routes on tursitic paths, occasional perpendicular passages, often only steep climbs with plenty of holds and belay elements. Climbing I. UIAA.

B - intermediate ferrata

Condition Short sections requiring more force.
Characteristics Complete belay equipment is a must. The terrain is often steep. As belaying used crampons, vertical iron ladders, chains. Climbing II. - III. UIAA

C - hard ferrata

Condition Advanced climbers with strength in their arms.
Characteristics Complete belay equipment is a must. Very steep passages, perpendicular sections with only a belay steel rope, handrails can be further apart. Climbing III. - IV. UIAA.

D - very hard ferrata

Condition Trails for experienced riders with good physical condition. Not suitable for beginners.
Characteristics Securing mainly with steel rope, the shoulder straps far apart. Necessity of quality and sturdy shoes and of course complete belaying equipment. Climbing V. UIAA, short sections I. - II. without belay.. 

E - extrémně těžká ferrata

Condition Purely sport climbing for very experienced climbers who can handle difficulty D with confidence and fun..
Characteristics Roads with higher elevation, minimal cramps, frequent air passages. Solid-soled shoes and complete belay equipment are a must. Climbing V. - VI. UIAA, sections I - II without belay.