Mountains Bohemian Central Highlands

The Bohemian Central Highlands can be found north of Prague between Litoměřice and Mělník. Most of this area is a protected landscape area. The total length of the Bohemian Central Highlands is 70 km. Only about a third of the area is covered with forests, mostly spruce, oak and beech. There are more than 100 species of endangered plants and 160 endangered animals.

The entire area of the Bohemian Central Highlands was formed by volcanic activity in the Tertiary period. The highest mountain is the very popular tourist mountain Milešovka (837 m above sea level). At the beginning of the 20th century a meteorological station and a lookout tower were established on its peak. From the top of Milešovka there is an impressive circular view of the surrounding lower peaks. As Milešovka is by far and away the highest mountain, it is also one of the windiest places in the Czech Republic.

The Bohemian Central Highlands are divided into two units (the Vernerice Central Highlands and the Milesovské Central Highlands) by the Elbe River. Thanks to its favourable geographical location, the Central Highlands were settled very early and there are many historical architectural monuments here.

More detailed information about the Bohemian Central Highlands can be seen in the new Czech TV series Krajinou domova - Vzpomínky na volky (in this episode the Slavkovský les (Slavkov Forest) is also featured).

The highest mountain

Milešovka 837 m above see level

List of major mountain peaks

Hradišťany 752 m above see level, Pařez 736 m above see level, Sedlo 726 m above see level, Ostrý 718 m above see level, Kletečná 706 m above see level.

Bohemian Central Highlands is divided

Verneřické středohoří; Milešovské středohoří

Protected areas

Czech Central Highlands Protected Landscape Area
Milešovka National Nature Reserve

More information

It's part of the system: Podkrušnohorská region
It is in the countries: Czech Republic
Predominant rocks: basalt